Click here to go directly to my work:
Aktion Mensch Commerzbank Dacia Deutsche Bahn Deutsche Telekom edding HARIBO Havana Club JLL KEUCO O2 Renault RWTH Aachen Santander Bank Siemens Hausgeräte TARGOBANK Thyssen Krupp TUI Cruises VEGA Gastronomiebedarf Villeroy & Boch
480Hz Culture Form grintsch communications (now: THE NEW ATLANTIC) doppelpunkt kommunikation Klubhaus (now: REVO) komm.passion Kontrast Communication Services MetaDesign Prime Objects Saatchi & Saatchi SelectNY.Berlin (now: Select World) smartin advertising Zum goldenen Hirschen
And who is Alex?
My motivation
At the age of 15 I already knew that I wanted to become a graphic designer. And that hasn't changed until today. In my years of working as an art director and designer I have never lost my joy in conceptualising and designing. I am always happy about new and exciting projects.
My work
I love typography! And photos! And when I can combine both, that's great! My favourite projects are editorial projects like brochures, magazines or product catalogues, but also elaborate mailings or corporate designs. Take a look at my work and you'll know what I mean.
And what else?
As you can see from these photos, I love to travel. Whenever possible. Unfortunately, that doesn't quite fit in with my attitude of leading as sustainable life as possible. Well, nobody is perfect ... Another passion is music. You can regularly find me at small concerts with guitar strumming and screaming.